Professional Growth


Professional Growth

Invest in Professional Growth

We are people-centric. Our success thrives when we help our people soar to new levels of personal and professional success.

We don’t take success for granted, we work hard on it.  We invest in our people and cultivate an awesome workplace that is engaging and fulfilling.

We encourage our people to activate innovation and pursue their ideas in a well supported space.  We offer compelling opportunities to amplify our people’s talents and abilities. 

We foster opportunities for professional growth and leadership. We are proud when our people grow into their potential and make a difference in the world.

Build Respect

Build Respect

Build Respect, Build Value

We respect our Clients as much as we value our people.

We build lasting relationships based on mutual respect and a common love for the success of your project and desired results. We earn trust through effective collaboration, honesty and consistent quality services. 

Trust and respect underpins candid communication and how we identify and deliver real value to each Client.



Work Towards a Sustainable Environment

Avoid, Re-purpose, Recycle, Repair.  We’re improving the environment and reducing our footprint by rethinking how we use and manage resources.

We make opportunities to improve sustainability in measurable ways.  We create new ways to activate others to help us care for the environment.

For example, we partner with the LAWROC community Landcare group in the Otway Ranges to re-purpose fallen trees from farms into our survey pegs and stakes.  This social enterprise funds local re-vegetation and projects to improve water catchment health in a precious part of Victoria.

500 trees are planted for every 40 Lot Stage of a Residential Development we undertake. This translates to over 12,000 trees planted by the end of a 1000 Lot residential subdivision project.

Social Responsibility & Inclusion

Social Responsibility & Inclusion

Making a real difference

Lyssna Group supports initiatives that help make a real difference to people’s lives – such as the Village 21 project which builds relocatable accommodation to help young people at risk of homelessness and their families.

We are proud to donate our expertise and surveying services to assist Kids Under Cover. Our site surveys assist with the Design, Town Planning and Construction needed to deliver this worthwhile program.  We encourage all members of the property development industry to get involved.